Bike Projects

Adohi Hall Bike Lounge
The Adohi Bike Lounge is the first indoor bike parking room on the University of Arkansas campus. This room was created in 2023 to offer students in Adohi Hall a premium bike parking option. For students worried about theft, weather, or are simply looking for a more secure place to store their bikes, the Bike Lounge is a great alternative to the standard bike parking loops. In addition to parking, the Bike Lounge also has a small selection of tools available to help with adjustments, an air pump, stickers, maps, event flyers, and information about biking resources on campus and across NWA. If you are a UA housing resident and are interested in getting a spot in the bike lounge or a bike lounge in your residence hall email

Arkansas Avenue Bike Lane
A new bike lane was installed on Arkansas avenue that allows cyclists to use unprogrammed road space to safely enter campus via Carnall Hall driveway. This connects to Old Main Lawn via one of the OFS ramp projects. This project uses paint and supersharrows and acts as a traffic calming tool.

Service Drive Contra-flow Bike Lane
The service drive contra flow bike lane, located next to the stadium drive parking garage, is the first of its kind implemented in the state. It serves as a connection for the U of A Fayetteville traverse, but also is a huge improvemnt for pedestrians as there previously was no space designated for them to safely walk in that stretch of street.

Oak Ridge Trail Extension
The U of A completed the first of three phases on the Oak Ridge Trail extension in the summer of 2023. This piece of trail will connect the exisiting Oak Ridge Trail that terminates at lower Garland Ave, to Maple Street next to the Administation building. Once it is complete it will effectively make a complete paved "campus loop" for affiliates to run, walk, or bike on safely away from cars.

Stair-to-Ramp Projects
The OFS identified several small staircases around campus that should be turned into ramps for better accessibility for wheelchairs and alternative transportation methods. The two that have been completed so far is the Duncan Avenue Trail spur that had originally dead ended into stairs now connects up to Duncan Avenue, and a ramp off the carnal hall entryway that gives ramp access to the Old Main Lawn sidewalk from the newly completed Arkansas Avenue bike lane.

University of Arkansas Fayetteville Traverse
This trail is a new defining feature on the UA Campus. The trail is an all ages and abilities natural surface trail that is part of the larger Fayetteville Traverse System. The trail runs from the Fowler House Lawn, through the Victory Garden south to lower Garland, connecting to the Freshman Experience. Check out a full list of trails and maps on the UARK mountain bike page!

Tsa La Gi Bike Park
This skill-building park features many different lines, from beginner to advanced, to help progress your mountain bike skills! Situated just off the Tsa La Gi trail, just south of MLK Jr Blvd, this bike park is the newest addition to the series of trails being built on the UA Campus.

Oak Savanna Bike Trail
Situated along Razorback Road and part of the trail connection to the Razorback Greenway, the Oak Savanna trail meanders through a grove of old oak trees, and is one of the few remaining upland prairies and savannas of the western Ozark Mountains. There is a stone terrace topping the hillside.

Freshman Experience Mountain Bike Trail
The first mountain bike trail built on the University of Arkansas Campus! The all ages and abilities 0.3-mile loop can be accessed from the Oak Ridge multi-use paved trail, which is a pathway that runs from the northwest corner of Clinton Drive and Harmon Avenue to a one-way section of Garland Avenue.

Discovery Bikeway
The University of Arkansas Office For Sustainability has led the implementation of the Discovery bikeway as a convenient shortcut for cyclists who want to avoid pedestrians during class change. Cyclists now have another reason to use the route - a much safer path through the parking and loading zone. Green paint is used to raise awareness in potential conflict areas alerting cyclists and drivers to use caution.

Fix-it Stations
The University of Arkansas has several bike fix-it stations located around campus to make it more convenient for you to make small adjustments and fixes to your bike. These bike repair stations also provide a full array of hand tools and convenient work stands. Other free public air pumps can be found at the Office for Sustainability on Harmon Avenue, UREC Outdoors at the Health, Physical Education and Recreation Building, and at some residence halls.

Maple Street Multi-Modal Connectivity
The Maple Street Multi-Modal Connectivity Project will reconstruct a six-block, one half mile, section of sub-standard roadway, creating a modern and safe Complete Street in a federally-designated Area of Persistent Poverty. The project provides a last-mile connection between the University of Arkansas Campus and the Northwest Arkansas active transportation network via the Razorback Regional Greenway. Full grant submission.

The University of Arkansas has begun implementing pavement wayfinding markers around campus to make it easier for bicycles and pedestrians alike to make navigating the University grounds easier. The markers will also improve bike routes through campus directing creating more direct routes through areas that allow cyclists to avoid pedestrians during class change.
Bike Posters